Author Guidelines
1. Introduction
The journal accepts only softcopy articles, the articles submission and the review process of this journal will be digitally handled, and the papers will be submitted online through the author poral at link ( The journal articles contribute to the state of the art, architecture, landscape, urban, and planning filed. For a regular paper, the maximum length of a submitted paper should not exceed 10,000 words including figures and tables and excluding references. For a review paper, the maximum length should not exceed 12,000 words, not including references. The total number of tables and figures should not exceed 15, ensure the citation of the figures and tables in the text match the files provided. For a technical note report, the maximum length is between 4000-5000 words. The manuscript should be submitted with double line spacing, and the system accept a word or a PDF format submission. The language of the publication is Arabic & English; therefore, the Language must be clear and free of spelling, typos, and grammatical errors. Please write your text in good English either American or British style, but not a mixture of them. To ensure a fast review and publication process, upload the proof corrections with the manuscript. Articles will be peer-reviewed to ensure the accuracy and the quality of publication including, originality, clarity, and novelty of the contribution. Details of the author should be provided when the manuscript is submitted, if the manuscript contains more than one Co-author, only one author should be assigned as the corresponding author, and the contact details such as full name, e-mail address, and full postal address should be provided. All co-authors’ names and their institutional affiliations must be included in the manuscript after the article title. The system converts your article files to a single PDF file used. The strategy of the journal is to publish three issues annually and to accelerate the review process within two months and to publish the acceptable articles as fast as possible.
2. Article Structure
Article Title
The title should be concise and informative represent the study aim and methods, avoid repetition words, abbreviations and formulae. The maximum length of title is 25 words.
The abstract should be concise and stand-alone, it should not consist of statements from the introduction section, and the abstract should consist of 300 words. The abstract should state briefly the research issues and the purpose of the research, the methodology used, and the main results and conclusions. Referencing in the abstract is not preferable, but if necessary, then any references should be written with the author(s) and year(s). Abbreviations only are not recommended to be stated in the abstract, full terminology should be mentioned.
A maximum of 6-8 keywords should be provided in this section after the abstract, avoid using brackets or commas between the keywords, keywords should come from the research itself, should not contain keywords that are not used in the research. Between one keyword and another should use (;), the keyword should be Italic.
All abbreviations that are not standard in this field should be listed in the first page of the article.
Sections and Subsections
The articles should be structured and divided into sections such 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 etc. and a subsection such 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.2.3, etc. Each section and subsection should be bolded. Abstract should not numbered, and appendices (if any) should be defined by capital letter (A, B, C) and indicated in the text of the article.
Introduction and Literature Review
State a general background on the article topic including the main issues and state at the end of the introduction the aim and objectives of the research. The detailed literature review should not be included in the introduction. State of the art on the literature review of the article topic should be written in a separate section discussing specifically the related work on the topic.
Material, Methodology and Methods
Material and general methodology should be clearly stated, and methods process should be clear, reliable, validated, and detailed described to be reproduced by other researchers. Methods that are utilized and published by other researchers or the same researcher should be summarized and cited, but not repeated. If some amendment happens in the published methods, the amendment part only should be described.
Analysis and Results
Analysis and Results should be discussed clearly and concise, avoid repeating the analysis and results but in different words.
The result should be discussed to explore and interpret the significance of the results and to be linked to the literature review works that published similar work but did not repeat what was already known and published. Avoid an extensive discussion of the previously published literature. A discussion section is to highlights the new contribution or the novelty of the study compared to previous research. Combining results and discussion in one section is acceptable.
Conclusions and Remarks
The main conclusions should be short, stand-alone, and have a clear message for a wider audience in the field. The conclusion is that providing numerical numbers or percentage % on the study is appropriate. Specific remark for architecture, landscapers design, urban design, and planning is recommended.
This section should be stated at the end of the article before the references and not exceed 200 words. This section is allocated for those who help the authors during the research (e.g., funding the research, providing help in the methodology, the language, proofreading the articles, etc.). If there is no funding supporting this research, it can include this statement “This research did not receive any specific grant from funding any funding organization either governmental, industrial or commercial”.
Reference Style and Formatting
References style should be consistent throughout the article. Any cited reference in the text should be stated in the reference section. The reference should be indicated by numerical numbers in square brackets in the article text and reference section. If the author’s name is essential, then can be stated with the number. For example: “……….as indicated in [8, 10, and 11]. Michel and Le [6] were reported that…”. References formatted by Endnote and Mendeley software are supported in this journal, the authors can use Building and Environment Style. Author’s name; the title of the journal/book/chapter/ book chapter/ article, year of publication, volume number/ and the article number must appear. Authors can reference their article manually as follows:
Examples of Reference to a Journal Publication:
[1] R. Avila-Flores, R.A. Medellin, Ecological, taxonomic, and physiological correlates of Mammalogy 85(4) (2004) 675-687.
Reference to a book:
[2] N. Spiller, Digital Architecture Now: A Global Survey of Emerging Talent, Thames & Hudson2008.
Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book:
[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 2009, pp. 281–304.
Reference to a Website:
[4] World Health Organization, Ambient (outdoor) air pollution. (accessed 11 October 2020).
Reference of Conference Proceeding:
[5] Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Association for Computing Machinery, London, England, United Kingdom, 2014.
Reference of Conferences:
[6] T. Hagino, S. Hiryu, S. Fujioka, H. Riquimaroux, Y. Watanabe, Adaptive SONAR sounds by echolocating bats, 5th International Symposium on Underwater Technology, IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, 2007, pp. 647-651.
Reference of Thesis:
[7] H.D. Carle, Extra-curricular activities in normal schools and teachers colleges of the United States, Boston University, 1930.
3. Submission Consideration
Mathematic Formulae and Equations
Each formula should be submitted in editable text, it should not be submitted as image. Each formula should be numbered by Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) etc., each symbol of the equation should be clearly explained below the equation.
Page and Lines
All article pages should be numbered in the footnotes and article lines should be numbered before submission.
Manuscript and Authors
The manuscript should be uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork. The original manuscript should be submitted with Times New Roman font with the size of 12. The manuscript contains should be submitted separately, text body, title, keywords, abstract, figures, tables, acknowledgment. Author names and affiliations and Corresponding author, emails, phone (Country Code), postal code, and fax number should be submitted with the manuscript. In the revisions stage, the submission can include figures, and tables within a single file.
Figure and Tables
The figures should be clear and readable with high resolution, and the table should have editable text, not images, and should be bordered except the left and right sides should be open. All figures and tables should have a number and caption. The number should be sequentially ordered and texted in the article body. The caption of the figures should be positioned under it while the tables should be positioned upper it. Tables and figures that were quoted from another published study should be cited.
Authors are advised to fill up the attached word format to disclose any conflict of interest or financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence their work. Authors are required to submit a cover letter describing that their work was not submitted or under review, or under consideration in any other Journal. Further, they are required to explain the main contribution of their work.
Individual Contributions
Authors are advised to list their individual contributions to the article for transparency purposes. For example, Conceptualization; writing original draft; Data collection; Formatting; Analysis; funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project supervisor; Resources; Software simulation; Validation; Data Visualization; English editing; review; revised.
Suggesting Reviewers
Once the paper is submitted, the author should suggest three potential reviewers to review the article. Reviewers should not suggest their colleagues or co-authors of previous works or who have research/publication collaborations or the existing members of the journal’s editorial boards. The author should consider suggesting reviewers from different countries/regions who are experts in the area. Please submit the names and institutional e-mail addresses. However; the editor has a right to decide whether or not to invite your suggested reviewers.
Revised Submissions
If the article is recommended to be revised, the Author must carefully revise the article step by step and they must answer whole reviewers’ inquiries in separate files. The authors advised submitting the original manuscript and the revised one highlighted by different colors in all revised parts. Each revised part should also state its page and line once the authors reply to the reviewers.
Peer Review and Editor Decision
The submitted article will send to peer-review, authors and reviewers can be posted their comments and answers on the interactive page in the portal of the journal. The final decision of acceptance or rejection will be taken from the handled editor after assessing the manuscript and based on the recommendation of the reviewers. The decision of the editor is final. The initial decision on the article suitability, quality, technical errors, formatting will take one week, if it is acceptable, it will be sent to the expert reviewers and will take one month, then the review process up to the publication stage will take two months.
Copyright and Open Access
Once the paper is accepted, the ‘Journal Publishing Agreement’ will be completed by the corresponding authors and signed digitally then returned to the executive secretary of the journal. Then, the paper will be sent to the publisher.
The journal has two options of publication either free publication which the copyright belongs to the KU and the author have certain rights to reuse your work and to share the publication in any communication means, email and social media for one year or open access publication which the article will be available online.
Submission Checklist in the System:
- – Original Manuscript with Corresponding Author and co-authors details are provided
- – Title of the article
- – Abstract 300 words
- – Keywords 6-8 words
- – All figures and relevant captions and all tables with titles, description, are not exceed 15
- – All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text
- – Reviewers’ suggestions and contact details are provided