Green School Buildings and Environmental Holistic Elements Approach to Cope with Hot and Humid Climate Challenges – Bahrain Case Study.
Sustainable Design; Green School Buildings; Climate Challenges; Lessons Learned; Hot-Humid Climate; Bahrain.
Influence of High-Density Polyethylene Admixtures on Water Sorptivity Behaviour of Medium and High strength Concretes
Admixture; High Density Polyethylene; Modified Concrete; Pulverisation; Sorptivity; Treatment.
Influence of Entrepreneurship Orientation on Financial Performance of Construction SMEs in Nigeria
Aggressive competition; Autonomy; Entrepreneurship orientation; Proactiveness; Financial performance; Innovativeness; Risk taking

The impact of temperature and humidity on the thermal resistance of waste materials for the efficiency of the building envelope
Sustainable building; building envelope; waste materials; thermal resistance.
Intensity and Diversity of Use as a Tool to Measure the Quality of Public Spaces
Successful space, social sustainability, urban space, parks, Sana'a city
Compressive Strength Evaluation of Cured Cement Mortar including Rubber, Foam, Plastic, and Paper Wastes as Partial Replacement with Sand
Cement Mortar; Compressive Strength; Rubber; Foam; Plastic and Paper Wastes; Recycling
Air temperature Distribution of Different Features and Urban Typology Blocks of Putrajaya City (Malaysia)
Air temperature; Urban Heat Island; Putrajaya Boulevard; Residential area; Urban Typology Block
Impact of street path’s form on achieving human scale in a city
Cardinal directions, Human-Scale City, City mental map, Steet network planning
Emergency Architecture Towards Temporary Educational Facilities for Children of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Northern Syria
Sustainability; Shelters; Temporary Communities; Refugee
A decision support discussion to select the location for vertical farm in Bahrain
Vertical Farming; Food Security; Sustainable Agriculture